Time: 20min (3x)
Presentation: This presentation series will provide an overview of contemporary lightweighting techniques used by various industries today and how the evolution of additive manufacturing is enabling the manufacture of complex geometry for lightweighting. Prior to additive manufacturing, geometries could only be optimized within the realm of which they could possibly be produced by traditional manufacturing methods. This results in excess bulk material and sub-optimal performance of the system. Lattice structures and topology optimization provide a way for engineers to optimize traditionally designed components to provide structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing parts, while saving on material cost. With the evolution of additive manufacturing and digital design tools, complex geometries face fewer manufacturing constraints, and can be finely tuned for specific applications.
Presenter: Sam Kratky
Bio: Sam is a mechanical engineer with a focus in product design from Lehigh University. She has worked with nTopology in the past and has now joined the team as an Application Engineer.